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KASPEV - Klaster socijalnog preduzetništva Vojvodine
CASPEV -The Custer of social entrepreneurship in Vojvodina

Example of good practice


Gepard VIS - company for employment of people with disabilities. The company is engaged in the production of footwear and clothing. The company has 25 employees and more than 80% of employees are persons with disabilities. In period of one and half year the company increased the number of employees more than 800 % (it started with 3 employees now we have 25 employees). The company has certified and operates by the principles of ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and ISO 18000. Also, the company is preparing for the implementation of ISO 26000 (Social responsibility). The company has used the services of mentors conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency- JICA.

Statistical data

Officials in the Novi Sad and Vojvodina don’t have the precise data. According to the recommendation of the World Health organization the number of people with disabilities is about 10% of the population on the observed territory. The last census in the Republic of Serbia shows that Vojvodina has the population of 1.930.000. According to the recommendation of the World Health organization we see that Vojvodina has about 200.000 people with disabilities.

Statistic shows that in the first half of 2016 only 24 persons with disabilities in south Backa district were attendants to education for better knowledge in the entrepreneurship, which have been organized by the National Employment Service. After this training 12 people were willing to apply for grant which provides the National Employment Service that supports a start up, and finaly only 6 people with disability applied for the grant. If we know, that more than 600.000 people lives in the south Backa district, previous data is very bad.

According to the data of the National Employment Service more than 700 people with disabilities in south Backa district have not been employed for more than 5 years.


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